Kylian Mbappé, a famous footballer, was the victim of a high-profile Twitter hack. The hackers used his account to promote a fake cryptocurre... [详情]
PayPal USD (PYUSD), a stablecoin launched by the global payment giant PayPal, recently hit a significant milestone by surpassing a market cap... [详情]
In the world of cryptocurrency, competition is fierce. Solana (SOL) and TRON (TRX) have become significant players, each with its unique stre... [详情]
Binance, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, has reached a significant milestone in its regulatory journey. The company has settled a long-s... [详情]
Casper Network, a blockchain platform, alerted its community about a substantial security breach that occurred on July 27, 2024. The platform... [详情]
Casper Network, a prominent blockchain platform known for its innovative approach to decentralized applications, recently faced a serious sec... [详情]
Casper Network, a prominent blockchain platform known for its innovative approach to decentralized applications, recently encountered a signi... [详情]
Vandelay Industries, representing the Mukamal family, has filed a lawsuit against Bitwise Asset Management and its top executives, accusing t... [详情]
The German government has made headlines by offloading its entire Bitcoin stash, leaving its digital wallet with a mere $1.85 balance. This m... [详情]
Peter Schiff, a well-known economist, has once again sounded the alarm bell regarding Bitcoin's price dynamics, asserting that the bubble sur... [详情]
最近,加密货币市场经历了剧烈波动,以太坊的价格暴跌至每单位2,111美元,引发了高达3.7亿美元的清算。这一波清算潮在短短一个小时内发生,凸显了市场的极度... [详情]
2024年8月20日,新加坡的一家名为PEXX的创新金融科技创业公司宣布,以未公开的金额收购了总部位于新加坡的区块链媒体平台Chain Debrief。此次收购是在PEXX... [详情]
在当前的加密货币市场中,Fetch AI正在经历一场重大的变革,它与Ocean Protocol(OCEAN)和SingularityNET(AGIX)合并,组建了人工智能超级智能联盟(ASI)。这一... [详情]
臭名昭著的黑客组织“粉色抽水机”在7月7日遭遇了一场损失,根据加密货币合规平台MistTrack的报道,他们被一种被称为“地址投毒”的骗局骗走了10个以太币(大约... [详情]
近日,黄金迷彼得·施蒂夫(Peter Schiff)在回应微策略(MicroStrategy)联合创始人迈克尔·塞勒(Michael Saylor)发布的一段视频时,称比特币(Bitcoin)是一场骗... [详情]
澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)在2022年初声称其基于区块链的CHESS系统替换项目进展顺利,但随后不久却宣布该项目可能延期,这一系列事件引发了澳大利亚证券监管... [详情]
Solana (SOL) has made a significant move in the crypto market, drawing the attention of investors and analysts alike. Recently, the price of ... [详情]
狗狗币即将经历一个重要的技术事件,这可能会显著影响它未来的波动幅度。这个事件接近于“死亡交叉”,即200天指数移动平均线(EMA)突破100天EMA下方。这一技术... [详情]
BNB Chain 正式推出了“BNB Chain 跨链桥”,这是一个新的跨链解决方案,旨在通过连接BNB Chain和其他主要区块链网络来增强区块链的互操作性。这一发展是与领... [详情]
B2BROKER团队开发的高级B2COPY投资平台现已全面集成到行业领先的开放交易平台Spotware的cTrader中。这一集成让cTrader上的经纪人和交易者能够利用两个平... [详情]
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